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HomeBusinessHow a Little Known "Secret Formula" Can Have You Churning Out Informative...

How a Little Known “Secret Formula” Can Have You Churning Out Informative at Translation Company UK


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“And How You Can Use My “Golden Formula” To Quickly And Easily Drive Swarms Of New Visitors To YOUR Website!”

How often do you have to “write stuff” for your websites?

By “Stuff” I mean content for your sites, articles to submit to directories, small reports, ebooks…

For most of us, there is usually alot of WRITING to be done!

Next Question:

How long does it take you to write one article?

How long does it take you to write one page of content?

How long does it take you to write a small report?

Regardless of what the specific amount of time is, the answer for most of us is TOO LONG!

Writing is a tough skill to master, and when you are trying to write not only to get out the ideas in your head but to fit a certain “keyword density”, in a fixed number of words, alot of times on a niche subject that often YOU HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT… It can very quickly become a complete nightmare!

Even aside from the hassle, the more important issue is TIME…

As a Web Business Owner TIME Is Your Most Valuable Asset…”

You know this is true right?

Most times you stay up until all hours of the morning and you STILL can’t finish all the things you need to get done!

While some people enjoy writing and it comes second nature to them, most people can think of 50 things they’d rather do than write articles or content…

Not only that but whatever kinds of sites you have, there are usually 50 things you COULD do that would ultimately make you MORE MONEY for the time invested than slaving away in front of Microsoft Word banging your fists on the keyboard. More about Translation Company UK

Trouble is though that as much as we’d like to avoid it…

“Article Marketing Is At The Foundation Of ANY Good Traffic Generation Strategy”

Article Marketing is the single most effective strategy for driving traffic to ANY website…

Nothing can replace the benefits of unique content for your sites and nothing can replace the effect of broad and continual article submissions…

Article submissions not only boost your Search Engine rankings but the traffic you can drive to your site JUST from getting exposure from your articles can be enough ON ITS OWN for you to make a solid income from ANY site…

And everybody knows this! That’s why they try to take the easy way out…

– They buy PLR articles and rewrite them…

– They use “Article Spinners” to get unique (but often crappy quality) content…

– They just use other people’s articles…

And don’t get me wrong, these methods can work, but no one will argue that none of them come close to the traffic driving, ranking boosting power of having TRULY UNIQUE CONTENT…
“Imagine Being Able To Write High Quality, 100% Unique, Flowing, Informative Articles, That Would Drive New Visitors To Your Website Every Day, At Less Than 30 Minutes Per Article, INCLUDING RESEARCH…”

It might sound like Hooha but let’s just for a minute assume that it’s true…

That means you could write 5 articles for any of your sites in just a few hours work…

Do that for a few days and you got 15 articles…

Do you know how many backlinks you could receive from 15 UNIQUE articles submitted out across the web over time… 1000’s!

Do you know how much your much your search engine rankings could boost with 1000’s of new and relevant backlinks pointing to your site, week after week… We’re talking potential FRONT PAGE LISTINGS!

Do you know how much extra traffic you could pull from the exposure to 15 articles with YOUR URL in the signature…? Potentially 100’s of visits a day!

Now stop imaginging for a second and listen to what I’m about to say because the truth is that…



Allow me to explain…

“The Never Before Seen “Golden Article Writing Formula…”

When I was in high school my English teacher taught me a very powerful, very specific formula for writing informative, structured, flowing articles that I have remembered to this day …

What I invented more recently though is a way that this super specific method can be adapted to crank out web articles VERY quickly…

When I use it, it allows me to know EXACTLY what to write in EACH SENTENCE of my articles, no matter what the topic, so I never have to pause while writing, generating electric writing speeds…

Wanna know what I mean by “Electric”…?

I recently took a public challenge in the internet’s Warrior Forum to put this formula to the test and prove its power to everyone watching…

I wrote a total of 40 articles in 2 work days…

All on different niches, all on different keywords, all in front of hundreds of onlooking marketers… AND had every person comment on their high quality, informative and unique nature!


But even that’s only part of the magic…

Here are just a few of the things you will learn from “Article Speed Writing”

How to do SUPER fast research and learn enough to write an article on ANY topic within just a few minutes…

The Golden Formula – How to write articles from go to woe in under 30 minutes, with sentence by sentence examples of EXACTLY WHAT TO DO.

How to stimulate ideas when your keyword is very specific and you can’t even think of how to START your article.

Specific ways to write multiple articles on the same keyword.

Quick ‘tricks’ to instantly activate your ‘creative flow’ to write large numbers of articles quickly, without overstressing your brain…

How to REWRITE PLR and other articles in the blink of an eye…

And Much Much MORE…

Not only that, but you will learn my secrets to “article marketing”…

This means how you can USE all these great articles you’ll be pumping out to REALLY ramp up your sites traffic…

This includes:

A nifty trick to getting your articles MASS published for enormous exposure for your website.

How to ensure your articles get read wherever they are by writing compelling ‘Teaser Copy’

The secrets to writing author bio’s at the end of your articles that fuel massive traffic AND massive ad clicks/sales.

How to make your articles ‘FLOW’ so the reader gets gently lead straight to your website after reading…

Submission Secrets: How to submit your articles, when, to where, how often and how many…

How to use your articles so that people actually act on your affiliate links, adsense ads or buy now buttons rather than reading your article then leaving!

And even that’s not all…

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